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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Top Ten Water Saving Tips

We are dealing with our current financial crisis after it became a crisis. This reactionary style is very “American”. Therefore, I propose we do something “un-American” and attack the looming water crisis with more of a preventative strategy. In fact, that is our only option. It’s not like we have a choice to be reactionary in this potential crisis. We can’t borrow water like we can money.

Waiting for this issue to officially hit home will be too late. Our dehydrated brains will wonder (with increasing difficulty–because our brains are over 80% water) “how could we have prevented this?”

Here’s how.

Top Ten Daily Water Saving Tips

1. Showering–Shower with someone. Keep showers under 4 minutes. Purchase a low-flow showerhead.
2. Grooming–Turn off the water while you brush your teeth, shave, and while you lather up when washing your hands. Also, make sure there are aerators on all of your faucets.
3. Toilet–If it’s yellow let it mellow. When you need to replace a toilet purchase a low-volume or dual flush toilet.

4. Laundry–Only use when you have a full load.
5. Dishwashing–Only use when you have a full load. If you wash by hand (better choice) don’t let the water run while rinsing. Fill one sink with wash water and the other with rinse water.
6. Compost–Composting eliminates the need for a garbage disposal (water waster) and adds water-holding organic matter to the soil.

7. Outside–Plant native and draught tolerant plants. Only water your lawn when needed (you can tell when by walking across your lawn–if you leave footprints, it’s time to water).
8. Catching it–While waiting for the water in your shower or sink to get hot, use a large cup (sink) or bucket (shower) to catch the water. Also, install a rain barrel to collect rainwater from your gutters. Use the collected water to water your plants and/or wash your car.
9. Fixing it–Fix leaky faucets and toilets!
10. Teaching it–Make suggestions to your employer to conserve water at work. Encourage your city and local schools to develop and promote water conservation among children and adults. Share this article with family and friends (and enemies too–we all use the same water)!

Most of you may have realized I slipped more than 20 water saving tips in here.
Hey, it’s that important…and I’m that sneaky.

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